If you want to start a video blog or a video streaming website like YouTube, then you can create a website exactly like YouTube using MeTube, a free YouTube like WordPress theme.
You can embed any flash content including videos and flash games in this theme. MeTube comes with an theme options panel which let you change the logo, layout and much more.
There is no need to use any page navigation plugin like wp-pagenavi with this theme as it comes pre loaded with built in navigation system. You must disable any active pagination plugin before using this theme, as you may get a white screen or blank page error in WordPress if you have multiple pagination systems active.
The theme supports multiple widget ready areas. Comes with custom navigation menus, 300×225 Adsense Slot and cross browser compatibility.
Using the MeTube theme is also very easy. Once installed, create a new post. Now there are three types of posts you can create:
• If its a normal blog post, then just write all you want in the content field as usual.
• If its a video post, write the description in the content field. Then paste the video embed code in If it is a video field. Make sure to change the width of video to 640px.
• If it is a game post, paste the the url of the game’s swf file in If it is a game field. Make sure to use the http:// before the swf file URL.
In all the above cases, add the thumbnail URL in the Thumbnail Url field. Now select appropriate tags and/or categories and publish the post.
With the post types, post formats and custom taxonomies released in the latest version of WordPress, this is a really old school way of creating different post types, but its actually an old theme which has not been updated since some time. But when I tested it, it worked just fine with the latest version of WordPress.
Check out the demo of this YouTube clone theme here or download it here.